A notebook with the words'my goals'on it and a pen.Goal Setting is:

  • The designing and setting of desired outcomes, guided by criteria such as S.M.A.R.T. principles, which make goals specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timed.
  • The development and implementation of action plans designed to motivate and guide progress towards set goals.

Goal setting involves:

  • Being specific. Write your goal down exactly according to your desired performance outcome. What exactly do you want to achieve with this goal?
  • Deciding how your goal will be measured. Use criteria such as amounts, timescales, dates and times so you can have a baseline against which to measure your success.
  • Ensuring goals, you set are achievable. Your goals should push your comfort zone a little but not be so difficult that it isn’t possible for you to maintain confidence and motivation in what you are working to achieve.
  • Setting goals that are relevant. Setting goals that aren’t relevant for you personally won’t feel rewarding on completion. To enjoy the process and stay motivated, it’s important that your goals reflect your personal ideals and are relevant to you.
  • Deciding how long your goal should take to achieve and giving your goal a “due date” for completion. Break down big goals into small chunks and make each chunk measurable, as above.

When goal setting, you should: 

  • Set action plans. Plan to succeed, with a plan of action.
  • Make regular small steps to progress. Every small step counts.
  • Make every small step measurable and pat yourself on the back every time you achieve one of them. Then move on to the next.
  • Be aware of distractions or external factors that get in the way, without letting those things affect your motivation. Accept, allow, integrate, re-focus.
  • Remain flexible and allow the process to happen.

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